On 2020-04-16 04:33, Rob Cliffe via Python-Dev wrote:
Here's another revolutionary thought:  add a new operator and associated dunder method (to object?) whose meaning is *undefined*.  Its default implementation would do *nothing* useful (raise an error? return None?).
E.g. suppose the operator were `..`
Then in a specific class you could implement x..y to mean x['y']
and then you could write
Still fairly concise, but warns that what is happening is not normal attribute lookup.

Interesting, I've thought the same thing.  Double dot might be a good option.

In practice however I've not encountered key names in JSON that conflict with the dictionary methods. A missing protocol could handle clashes when they happen, as applied to keys. Keys that conflict are simply shadowed by the method names unless you use [''] notation.

I know, that answer is not satisfying to the purist. Double dot is better in that regard. Yet haven't found it to be a concrete problem.

Perhaps linters could find code using uncalled dict method names as a mitigation. Suppose it boils down to a judgement call in the end.

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