On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 3:50 AM Edwin Zimmerman <ed...@211mainstreet.net> wrote:
> My previous timings were slightly inaccurate, as they compared spawning 
> processes on Windows to forking on Linux.  Also, I changed my timing code to 
> run all process synchronously, to avoid hitting resource limits.
> Updated Windows (Windows 7 this time, on a four core processor):
> >>> timeit.timeit('x=multiprocessing.Process(target=exit);x.start();x.join()',
> >>>  number=1000,globals = globals())
> 84.7111053659259

Thanks, I was actually going to ask about joining the processes, since
you don't really get a good indication of timings from asynchronous
operations like that. Another interesting data point is that starting
and joining in batches makes a fairly huge difference to performance,
at least on my Linux system. Starting with your example and rescaling
the number by ten to compensate for performance differences:

>>> timeit.timeit('x=multiprocessing.Process(target=exit);x.start();x.join()', 
>>> number=10000,globals = globals())

Just for completeness and consistency, confirmed that adding a list
comp around it doesn't change the timings:

>>> timeit.timeit('xx=[multiprocessing.Process(target=exit) for _ in 
>>> range(1)];[x.start() for x in xx];[x.join() for x in xx]', 
>>> number=10000,globals = globals())

But doing a hundred at a time and then joining them all cuts the time in half!

>>> timeit.timeit('xx=[multiprocessing.Process(target=exit) for _ in 
>>> range(100)];[x.start() for x in xx];[x.join() for x in xx]', 
>>> number=100,globals = globals())

The difference is even more drastic with spawn, although since it's
slower, I also lowered the number of iterations.

>>> ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn')
>>> timeit.timeit('x=ctx.Process(target=exit);x.start();x.join()', 
>>> number=1000,globals = globals())
>>> timeit.timeit('xx=[ctx.Process(target=exit) for _ in range(100)];[x.start() 
>>> for x in xx];[x.join() for x in xx]', number=10,globals = 
>>> globals())8.566341979429126

Would be curious to know if that's the same on Windows.

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