On Fri, Jul 10, 2020, 9:16 AM Eric Nieuwland <eric.nieuwl...@gmail.com>

> On 10 Jul 2020, at 01:51, Jim Baker <jim.ba...@python.org> wrote:
> ...
> Explicit namespacing (if a constant) or using a guard (if a variable)
> seems to be the right solution, as Ethan demonstrated earlier. No need for
> . or ^ or  \ or ... to disambiguate. Also it seems to me that structural
> pattern matching will build on two common usages of namespaces for
> constants:
> 1. Constants used from other modules are almost always used in the module
> namespace. Eg, socket.AF_UNIX or signal.SIGTERM.
> 2. New code often tends to use constants defined within an Enum namespace.
> Hopefully we will see more of this convention in usage.
> (Very much an aside: Interestingly with the socket module we see both used
> - it defines its constants with IntEnum and exports them traditionally. The
> namespace specifics it uses with IntEnum._convert_ to make this happen  --
> strictly speaking EnumMeta._convert, not documented, and a bit hard to
> follow -- might be possibly debatable, but it works out quite well in
> practice in providing backwards compatibility while continuing to work with
> a C source of these constants.)
>> This would also mean
>>         case Point(x=\x, y=\y):
>> should be used to obtain x and y from the Point instance.
> This approach makes deeper nesting of the structure much more cumbersome,
> I think.
> How to match Polygon(Point(x0,y0), Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)) based on
> its structure?
> And Polygon(Point(x0,y0), p1, Point(x2, y2))?
 I'm just trying to describe what v2 of the PEP is trying to do and how it
then corresponds to a reasonable usage model. Sorry for any confusion.

So in your scenario above, Polygon and Point are used as class patterns (
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0622/#class-patterns). Consequently
they are treated accordingly and have that nice structural pattern matching

Earlier I was discussing constant patterns (
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0622/#constant-value-patterns), which
require they be namespaced in some way (a qualified name as it is described
in the PEP).

- Jim
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