On 15/07/2020 12:37, Mohammad Foroughi via Python-Dev wrote:
Hi, I had an idea regarding the pattern matching issue of comparing with a 
previous constant variable instead of assigning to a new local variable. I'm 
not sure if this has been brought up before but instead of using a symbol with 
the case statement what if we used a keyword.

Your mailer mangled your example a bit, but it's fairly clear all the same. The problem with using a keyword is that it starts getting really ungainly with complex patterns:

match value:
    case global x:
        print("value matches")
    case Point(global x, y):
        print("value matches x, y captured")
    case Line(Point(global x1, y1), Point(x2, global y2)):
        print("getting a bit hard to read here")

Probably the simplest thing to do is to use a namespace to force value comparison.

from types import SimpleNamespace

# ... stuff ...

const = SimpleNamespace(x=x)

match value:
    case const.x:
        print("value matches")
    case Point(const.x, y):
        my_useful_struct.y = y

It's not ideal, but it's fairly clear what's going on if you choose your names carefully. (And damn it, I've argued myself round to the position I was trying to argue Tim out of a few weeks ago. Curses!)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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