(Whoops, replied only to Facundo by mistake. Resending with reply to the list 
as well.)

At first glance, it looks like Travis not acting upon a build request.

First, AFAICS from the UI, you can merge it regardless. But I suggest 
restarting the checks as it might be an actual problem for Travis build.

It's possible to restart checks with

* make an empty commit with `git commit --allow-empty`. As a member, you can 
push to PR branches yourself

* (not sure) close and reopen the PR

Recent build requests can be seen at https://travis-ci.com/github/python/cpython/requests . If there's a problem with build creation, you will see it there.

On 21.08.2020 21:18, Facundo Batista wrote:

I want to land this PR:


It's doc only, so it only run the docs part in GH actions. All fine,
except Travis, which is "required", but didn't finish. I'm not finding
a way to restart that job.

- from Github: I don't find any restart/resend job or similar (and in
the line corresponding to Travis in the checks list, I don't have a

- from Travis: I can not make that PR to appear in
https://travis-ci.com/github/python/cpython/pull_requests  , even if I
click on "show me more" a lot (a *lot*). I don't know if there's a
specific way to show the job "by PR", and not "by build" (which I
don't know).

- from git: I could tell the author to push an empty commit, that
probably would do it, but I'd consider this a last resource.

Did you suffer from this before? Which is the recommended course of action?



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