On Wed, Dec 30, 2020, 1:05 AM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:

> I need to think about this more.
> Technically the class *is* created at the point `__init_subclass__` is
> called. What the metaclass does after that point is embellishment.
> Most metaclasses will have sufficient control for their needs because they
> can manipulate the contents of the namespace that's passed to type_new() --
> I understand that doesn't work for Enum because the instances have a
> reference to the class in them.
> I suspect the classes that you claim are "buggy" are fine in practice,
> even if you can construct a counterexample.
> All in all I just worry about the backward compatibility here: one could
> easily imagine a metaclass whose `__new__` relies on the effect of the
> `__init_subclass__` called by type_new(), and moving the call would break
> that. So it's probably 6 bugs fixed, half a dozen new bugs created. In such
> a case, the status quo should win.

I admit I don't know anything about the metaclass internals, but if
backward compatibility is an issue, couldn't we create a new dunder instead
of moving the existing one? Say, call it __init_subclass_2__ (and bikeshed
the name later), and document that as being called at the point to which
it's currently proposed to move the calling of __init_subclass__.

With that, there is zero breakage of existing code, and code that can
benefit from the new behavior simply uses a different dunder.
__init_subclass__ could potentially be deprecated in the future if it's
determined that it has no benefit over the new dunder, but doesn't need to
deprecated immediately.

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