On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:23 AM Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org> wrote:
> Hi Inada-san,
> I followed the discussions on your different PEP and I like overall
> your latest PEP :-) I have some minor remarks.
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 6:55 AM Inada Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The warning is disabled by default. New ``-X warn_encoding``
> > command-line option and ``PYTHONWARNENCODING`` environment variable
> > are used to enable the warnings.
> Maybe "warn implicit encoding" or "warn omit encoding" (not sure if
> it's make sense written like that in english ;-)) would be more
> explicit.

Yes, it's explicit. So I used `PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING` first.
But I feel it's unreadable. That's why I shorten the option name.

I wait to see more feedback about naming.

> > Options to enable the warning
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > ``-X warn_encoding`` option and the ``PYTHONWARNENCODING``
> > environment variable are added. They are used to enable the
> > ``EncodingWarning``.
> >
> > ``sys.flags.encoding_warning`` is also added. The flag represents
> > ``EncodingWarning`` is enabled.
> Nitpick: I would prefer using the same name for the -X option and the
> sys.flags attribute (ex: sys.flags.warn_encoding).

OK, I will change the flag name same to option name.

> > ``encoding="locale"`` option
> > ----------------------------
> >
> > ``io.TextIOWrapper`` accepts ``encoding="locale"`` option. It means
> > same to current ``encoding=None``. But ``io.TextIOWrapper`` doesn't
> > emit ``EncodingWarning`` when ``encoding="locale"`` is specified.
> Can you please define if os.device_encoding(fd) is called if
> encoding="locale" is used? It seems so, so it's not obvious from the
> PEP.


> In Python 3.10, I added _locale._get_locale_encoding() function which
> is exactly what the encoding used by open() when no encoding is
> specified (encoding=None) and when os.device_encoding(fd) returns
> None. See _Py_GetLocaleEncoding() for the C implementation
> (Python/fileutils.c).
> Maybe we should add a public locale.get_locale_encoding() function? On
> Unix, this function uses nl_langinfo(CODESET) *without* setting
> LC_CTYPE locale to the user preferred locale.

I can not imagine any use case. Isn't it just confusing?

> I understand that encoding=locale.get_locale_encoding() would be
> different from encoding="locale":
> encoding=locale.get_locale_encoding() doesn't call
> os.device_encoding(), right?


> Maybe the PEP should also explain (in a "How to teach this" section?)
> when encoding="locale" is better than a specific encoding, like
> encoding="utf-8" or encoding="cp1252". In my experience, it's mostly
> for the inter-operability which other applications which also use the
> current locale encoding.

This option is for experts who are publishing cross-platform
libraries, frameworks, etc.

For students, I am suggesting another idea that make UTF-8 mode more accessible.

> > Add ``io.LOCALE_ENCODING = "locale"`` constant too. This constant can
> > be used to avoid confusing ``LookupError: unknown encoding: locale``
> > error when the code is run in old Python accidentally.
> I'm not sure that it is useful. I like a simple "locale" literal
> string. If there is a constant is io, people may start to think that
> it's specific and will add "import io" just to get the string
> "locale".
> I don't think that we should care too much about the error message
> rased by old Python versions.

This constant not only for replacing "locale" litera. As example code
in the PEP, it can be used to test wheather TextIOWrapper supports
`encoding="locale"` .

`open(fn, encoding=getattr(io, "LOCALE_ENCODING", None))` works both
for Python ~3.9 and Python 3.10~.

> > Opt-in warning
> > ---------------
> >
> > Although ``DeprecationWarning`` is suppressed by default, emitting
> > ``DeprecationWarning`` always when ``encoding`` option is omitted
> > would be too noisy.
> The PEP is not very clear. Does "-X warn_encoding" only emits the
> warning, or does it also display it by default? Does it add a warning
> filter for EncodingWarning?

This section is not the spec. This section is the rationale for adding
EncodingWarning instead of using DeprecationWarning.

As spec saying, EncodingWarning is a subclass of Warning. So it is
displayed by default. But it is not emitted by default.

When -X encoding_warning (or -X warn_default_encoding) is used, the
warning is emitted and shown unless the user suppresses warnings.

> The PEP has no "Backward compatibility" section. Is it possible to
> monkey-patch Python to implement this PEP (maybe only partially) on
> old Python versions? I'm asking to prepare existing projects for
> future EncodingWarning.

This PEP doesn't have "backward compatibility" section because the PEP
doesn't break any backward compatibility.
Unless the option is enabled, no warnings are emitted by the PEP, like
`-b` option and BytesWarning.

And if developers want to support Python ~3.9 and use -X
warn_default_encoding on 3.10, they need to write
`encoding=getattr(io, "LOCALE_ENCODING", None)`, as written in the

> The main question is if it's possible to use encoding="locale" on
> Python 3.6-3.9 (maybe using some ugly hacks).


> By the way, your PEP has
> no target Python version ;-) Do you want to get it in Python 3.10 or
> 3.11?

Oh, I'm sorry. I want to make it in 3.10.

Precisely speaking, add option and warning in 3.10. But no need to fix
all warnings in stdlib and tests by 3.10.

I expect we find many codes using locale-specific encoding without
reason in stdlib and we need to fix them until 3.11 or even 3.12.
After that, we can recommend using the option for many third-party libraries.

My long-term plan (out of scope of this PEP) is:

* Python 3.10 : Add the optional warning
* Python 3.12 : Fix all warnings in stdlib, start the option for third parties.
* Python 3.16 : Discuss changing the default encoding. If we decided
to change, enable the warning by default.
* Python 3.20 : Change the default encoding to UTF-8.

Inada Naoki  <songofaca...@gmail.com>
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