On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 12:32:40PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> And nobody says that there will be *incompatible* changes to the
> pattern matching, just that previous experience, and discussion of the
> PEP622/PEP634 shows that there's a probability of that (higher than
> usual).

Fine. The time to involve `__future__` is if and when such incompatible 
changes are to be made, not for every new feature "just in case".

> In that regard, it may be due to warn users about what pattern matching
> is - a novelty.

Every new feature is a novelty. Who are these users that you have in 
mind that are sophisticated enough to be using pattern matching and 
future imports, but not sophisticated enough to realise that it is new 
in version 3.10 (or whatever version it ends up being)?

We don't need to "warn users" that new features are new features. They 
will already know it is new, until such time that it's no longer new.

> If everything is subject to change, then perhaps we can accept usage of
> __future__ to introduce initial pattern matching implementation. But
> its purpose is not to enable pattern matching per se, just to keep early
> adopters in loop that it's a novel feature, subject to change.

I don't believe that there is any proposal to make pattern matching 
subject to change beyond the usual evolution of the language. I don't 
think that there is anything provisional about the feature.

But even if there is, that still doesn't make it necessary to "warn" 
uses of the feature by use of future imports.

Paul, your argument is that "early adopters" of new features need to be 
protected from hypothetical future changes that don't exist yet. Why 
should only early adopters get that benefit?

Don't the rest of us deserve protection from hypothetical future changes 
that don't exist yet?

    from __past__ import for_loops, import

"just in case" some hypothetical future change affects for loops and 
imports. How else will we know that our code uses for loops and 
imports? /s

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