On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 01:29, Inada Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Note that many Python users don't use consoles.

I never suggested that they did. There's a GUI for setting user-level
and system-level environment variables. And whoever is introducing the
user to Python can show them how to set the necessary environment
variable - or do it for them.

Please be clear, I'm not saying I don't understand the difficulties.
But I do question why PYTHONUTF8 is so much different than all the
other environment variables that Python responds to that it needs
special additional options.

Remember - I've already said that I'm not convinced that setting UTF8
mode globally is the right approach. So what you're saying in effect
is that you want to convince me that we should add a new mechanism to
globally set an option that I don't believe should be set globally.
Let's just assume until you can convince me that setting UTF-8 mode
globally is a good idea, there's no point trying to convince me that
we need a new mechanism to do so because environment variables aren't
good enough.

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