Paul Moore writes:

 > The one thing that *is* substantially worse for Python, is the
 > circumlocutions needed in the documentation to say how to run Python.
 > But that's 100% down to us not being willing to say "just type the
 > command python". And the reason for *that* is mostly historical,
 > related to the Python 3 transition

I don't think that's entirely true, and the roots are much earlier
than Python 3.  We had the same problem with Linux distributions
(especially Red Hat) and version 1 vs. version 2.  This was crucial
for those of us handling multibyte languages: getting Unicode Inside,
even in the non-str form of Python 2, really changed things.  But
Python 2.0 was a .0 release.  For a lot of developers dealing with
unibyte languages, 1.5.2 was the workhorse until about Python 2.2.

 > and what happened on Linux over the python/python2/python3
 > commands, and to a lesser extent the introduction of the launcher
 > on Windows

I don't know about Windows.  It might have been possible to arrange
that just "python" was the right way to do things, and have "-2" and
"-3" flags for specifying compatibility.  But it just wasn't possible
on *nix systems because /usr/bin/python was typically used for system
software.  They shouldn't have done that (they should have kept in it
in an OS-specific place and used full shebangs), but that's not how it
went ....

I think those are important things to keep in mind when comparing with
a very young language like Julia (Julia didn't make *any* backward
compatibility promises until 1.0 in August 2018).  A lot of Python's
problems occur *because* of its multi-use potential and *because* of
its wide adoption in practice.
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