Hi Greg,

If all you want is to catch an exception group and process it, then except*
does look like overkill.

It gets more interesting if you want to handle only some of the exceptions
and reraise the rest (without adding the current frame to the traceback),
or when the exception handler raises/reraises exceptions (with 'raise e' or
bare 'raise').

We can look to Trio to see what exception handling would be like if we add
ExceptionGroup without except*.
Trio's exception group is called MultiError, and this part of the tutorial
explains how they can be handled:

So asyncio (or some new module in the stdlib) would probably end up
exposing something along the lines of MultiError.catch, a context manager
where you register the exception handler as a callback and the unhandled
exceptions are automatically reraised.
You can see the trio code for that here:
The trick it does to reset __context__ in the finally block won't work for
the __traceback__ (I tried). So it always adds the current frame (if it
doesn't return before line 145).

Also, it doesn't seem to support raising exceptions from the handler:

So yes, we can catch exception groups and handle them like normal
exceptions, but I don't see a clean way to catch parts of them selectively
or to raise exceptions from exception handling code.


On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 10:57 PM Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>

> While we're talking about compelling use cases, does anyone have an
> actual, concrete use case for the proposed "except *" feature that's
> strong enough to justify new syntax?
> I'm fine with having ExceptionGroup as a built-in type. I'm not fine
> with adding new syntax that will apparently be used only in rare
> circumstances.
> Can code that's aware of the possibility of getting an ExceptionGroup
> not simply catch it as a normal exception and then pick it apart? Do
> we really need a whole new piece of machinery for this?
> --
> Greg
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