On 4/7/2021 12:32 PM, Barney Gale wrote:
It looks like you’ve incorporated several other changes into your commit by mistake.
The PR definitely has too many changes unrelated to the issue. I recognize a few of the changes as related to recent merges.

My guess that the the issue-43737 branch was branched off of something other than master, which is usually a fatal mistake. The parent branch may also have been branched off of something other than master.

Tony, with rare exception, each branch should be branched directly off master, which means checking out master first each time.

There is probably some other bad sequence of events that could cause the issue.

 The simplest thing to do might be to re-create your git
branch and PR from scratch.

I agree with this. That means updating the master branch, creating a new 43737 branch, make the 43737 changes, commit, and push.

Or, in case problem is elsewise, fix the merge conflict (below), merge, and push to your fork. Update your master from upstream, change to branch, git merge upstream/master, commit to branch, push branch to fork, and see how things work.

If conflicting changes land while your PR is still open, you’ll
need to
do something called a “rebase”.

Rebasing (perhaps done incorrectly) often makes things worse. One fixes a merge conflix by editing the PR branch file(s) with the conflict and committing a change.

However, the merge conflict in expression.rst is this:

<<<<<<< issue-43737
.. productionlist::
   lambda_expr: "lambda" [`parameter_list`]: `expression`
   lambda_expr_nocond: "lambda" [`parameter_list`]: `expression_nocond`
.. productionlist:: python-grammar
   lambda_expr: "lambda" [`parameter_list`] ":" `expression`
>>>>>>> master

Adding a grammar production has nothing to do with the issue. This could be easily fixed by removing the lambda_expr_nocond line (and other junk if not editing in the local branch) but would not solve the more extensive issues.

Terry Jan Reedy

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