On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 3:01 AM Hugh Fisher <hugo.fis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Message: 1
> > Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 13:31:12 -0700
> > From: Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org>
> > Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 647 Accepted
> >
> > This is something the SC has been musing about, but as it’s not a fully
> formed idea, I’m a little hesitant to bring it up.  That said, it’s
> somewhat relevant: We wonder if it may be time to in a sense separate the
> typing syntax from Python’s regular syntax.  TypeGuards are a case where if
> typing had more flexibility to adopt syntax that wasn’t strictly legal
> “normal” Python, maybe something more intuitive could have been proposed.
> I wonder if the typing-sig has discussed this possibility (in the future,
> of course)?
> [ munch ]
> >
> > Agreed.  It’s interesting that PEP 593 proposes a different approach to
> enriching the typing system.  Typing itself is becoming a little ecosystem
> of its own, and given that many Python users are still not fully embracing
> typing, maybe continuing to tie the typing syntax to Python syntax is
> starting to strain.
> I would really like to see either "Typed Python" become a different
> programming
> language, or progress to building type checking into the CPython
> implementation
> itself. (Python 4 seems to me the obvious release.) The current halfway
> approach
> is confusing and slightly ridiculous.

Please don't denigrate the hard work people have put in to even bring
forward the idea of typing in Python by saying it's "slightly ridiculous".


> The first, a separate programming language, would be like RATFOR and CFront
> in the past and TypeScript today. Typed Python can have whatever syntax the
> designers want because it doesn't have to be compatible with Python, just
> as
> TypeScript is not constrained by JavaScript. A type checker translates
> the original
> Typed Python source into "dynamic" or "classic" Python for execution.
> (Maybe
> into .pyc instead of .py?)
> This would mean no overhead for type checking in CPython itself. No need to
> contort the parser into ignoring bits of code that are, in effect,
> syntax checked
> comments. And for the typing in Python enthusiasts, you won't have to
> listen
> to people like me complaining.
> The second approach is to assume that type checking in Python is useful and
> popular. Not with me, but I'm willing to accept that I'm in the minority
> and can
> be ignored - after all, I can still write my Python code without type
> annotations.
> If so running a type checker as a separate step, as we do at the moment, is
> like asking C programmers to run the preprocessor by hand.
> In today's world of continuous build and integration, it seems silly
> to me to have
> a type checker read the source, scan into lexical tokens, build an
> abstract syntax
> tree, perform semantic analysis with type checking, and then throw it away
> before running an interpreter which reads the same source, scans into
> lexical
> tokens, builds an abstract syntax tree, and executes. On the purely
> pragmatic
> level there is an extra chance for mismatches and things to go wrong; and
> from
> an environmental viewpoint it isn't a great use of resources.
> --
>         cheers,
>         Hugh Fisher
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