On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 12:36:34 -0700
Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But that's not what duck typing is (at least to me :-) ) For a given
> function, I need the passed in object to quack (and yes, I need that quack
> to sound like a duck) -- but I usually don't care whether that object
> waddles like a duck.
> So yes, isinstance(obj, Sequence) is really the only way to know that obj
> is a Sequence in every important way -- but if you only need it to do one
> or two things like a Sequence, then you don't care.

It depends on the context, though.  Sometimes it's better to check
explicitly and raise a nice error message, then raise a cryptic error
much further that seems to bear little relationship to the line of code
the user wrote.  Especially if that error is raised at the end of a
10-minute computation, or after sending 1GB of data to a S3 bucket.

For this reason, when there's no use case for accepting many kinds of
sequences in a user-facing API, I find it useful to do a `isinstance(x,
(list, tuple))` check before proceeding.

Yes, it's not pure duck typing, but who cares?



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