Hi Mark,

Thank you for the feedback. Let me address/elaborate some of the
points that Pablo touched on.

> PEP 657 proposes that locations for exceptions be treated as ranges,
> whereas tracing, profiling and debugging currently treat locations as
> points.

I don't think we're making strong claims that the full `(line,
end_line, column, end_column)` should be the canonical representation
for exception locations. The only concrete place we suggest their
usage is in the printing of tracebacks. The information is not exposed
in the exception or traceback objects intentionally as part of this.

The place we make a reference to non-traceback tooling being able to
use this information is coverage tools being able to perform
expression-level granularity in coverage. As a quick example consider:

    x = True or f()

might be marked as covered by a line coverage tool but this PEP
potentially exposes extra information that might help show that the
function call is not covered.

> Consider this example:
> https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/test/test_compile.py#L861

And this example continues to work just as it does right now. There is
no change to the tracing apis or the existing co_lines method. I think
your concern is if tracing tools switched to using PEP 657 (which they
are not obligated to), but even that case works out:

co_lines() returns (6, 8, 4) for the CALL_METHOD.
co_positions() from PEP 657 returns (4, 6, 5, 6) corresponding to
(line, end_line, column, end_column) for the CALL_METHOD.

> For example, how would one set a breakpoint on line 4 above?

Just as they would right now, they don't need to change how they set

> PEP 657 claims it is fully backwards compatible, but it cannot be both
> backwards compatible and consistent.

I think there's a misunderstanding on what backwards compatibility
means between us, can you concretely explain how this PEP or its
implementation would break existing tools? I understand your concerns
about having two potentially conflicting APIs for source locations but
that is not a backwards compatibility problem.

> 1. Clarify, in detail, the impact on line-based tools like profilers,
> coverage.py and debuggers. This should include help on how to use the
> new APIs and where using the old APIs might result in behavioral changes.

As mentioned, we don't have an expectation for line-based tools to
switch to the new API. Its primary consumer is meant to be the
traceback mechanism. Usage of the old APIs will and must not lead to
any behavioral changes.

> 2. Change the C API to a single function:
> int PyCode_Addr2Location(PyCodeObject *co, int addr, int *startline, int
> *startcolumn, int *endline, int *endcolumn)

Thank you, this is a great suggestion.

> 3. Drop the opt-out option.
> If the extra information is optional, then the compression scheme must
> allow for that; making the code more complex and potentially less
> efficient. Does opting out use the start of the range, or the old line,
> as the location?

In the future if a fantastic compression scheme is figured out that
requires both the end lines and column information, I think it would
be acceptable to make the opt-out only suppress the printing of the
carets in the traceback while still maintaining the data in the code
objects. This would still be backwards compatible.

> 4. Drop the limitation on column offsets.
> The data needs to be compressed anyway, so allowing arbitrary column
> offsets is effectively free.

Sure, I think there were plenty of good ideas thrown around
compression and lazy-loading in the last PEP 657 thread so this is
more of just a soft-limitation of the current implementation of the
PEP. This limit can be increased in the future without any changes in
the API or hurting backwards compatibility.

> 6. Store all location information in a single table (this applies more
> to the implementation than the PEP)
> Using four separate objects to hold the location info adds a lot of
> overhead for most functions.

I would just like to cap off and address this point together. The PEP
is meant primarily to aid with debugging and improve tracebacks. The
API is designed to be very limited and allow for a lot of room for
expansion and optimization. It does not make strong prescriptive
claims that tools must switch to the new richer information as your
mail seems to suggest. The other smaller aspects like the internal
storage formats, not storing data when opted out are concerns that can
be addressed without making any breaking changes.
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