On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 9:36 AM Chris Johns <ch...@lessthan3.org.uk> wrote:

> As someone who has ported Python 3 to another "less commonly used"
> system (RISC OS) I just do semi-regular updates rather than trying to
> keep it it totally up to date with "main".
> I have some vague recollection of there being talk about a "second tier"
> of systems where there is at least a maintainer and build bot, but I'm
> not sure what, it anything, came from that.

Nothing as of yet. People mentioned clarifying and cleaning up how we
define platform support, but no one has taken the time to try and tackle
that issue.


> Cheers
> Chris
> On 14/07/2021 15:44, Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 04:30:33AM +0000, Jay K wrote:
> >> Hi. I have an Alpha/OSF machine up and running.
> >> It is little slow, but it works ok.
> >>
> >> I would like to run Python3 on it.
> >>
> >> I have it "compiling and working". It was easy enough so far.
> >>    https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27063
> >>
> >> Admitted, I haven't figured out what is happening with the
> posixsubprocess
> >> module.
> >>
> >> Yes? No? Maybe?
> >>
> >> I can possibly provide ongoing "support" (I don't expect it will be
> much) and a
> >> buildbot (if really required),
> >> if I can get it working a bit more, if this is approved, etc. I haven't
> looked
> > It is difficult to maintain support for less commonly used systems. If
> > you maintain it personally (like using a cron) and look at the results
> > over time, you could see the difficulty in maintaining the support.
> >
> > Personally, my vote is a -1 here. In the PR, another core-dev, Ronald
> > had commented that support for explicitly removed a few years ago.
> >
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