>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Martin> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

    Bengt> The characters in b could be encoded in plain ascii, or
    Bengt> utf16le, you have to know.

    >> Which base64 are you thinking about?  Both RFC 3548 and RFC
    >> 2045 (MIME) specify subsets of US-ASCII explicitly.

    Martin> Unfortunately, it is ambiguous as to whether they refer to
    Martin> US-ASCII, the character set, or US-ASCII, the encoding.

True for RFC 3548, but the authors of RFC 2045 clearly had the
encoding in mind, since they depend on RFC 822.

    Martin> It appears that RFC 3548 talks about the character set
    Martin> only:

OK, although RFC 3548 cites RFC 20 (!) as its source for US-ASCII,
which clearly has bytes (though not necessarily octets) in mind, it
doesn't actually restrict base encoding to be a subset of US-ASCII.

On the other hand, RFC 3548 doesn't define "base64" (or any other base
encoding), it simply provides a set of requirements that a conforming
implementation must satisfy.  Python can therefore choose to define
its base64 as a bytes->bytes codec, with the alphabet drawn from
US-ASCII interpreted as encoding.

I would definitely prefer that, as png_image = unicode.encode('base64')
violates MAL's intuitive schema for the method.

    Martin> For an example where base64 is *not* necessarily
    Martin> ASCII-encoded, see the "binary" data type in XML
    Martin> Schema. There, base64 is embedded into an XML document,
    Martin> and uses the encoding of the entire XML document. As a
    Martin> result, you may get base64 data in utf16le.

I'll have to take a look.  It depends on whether base64 is specified
as an octet-stream to Unicode stream transformation or as an embedding
of an intermediate representation into Unicode.  Granted, defining the
base64 alphabet as a subset of Unicode seems like the logical way to
do it in the context of XML.

P.S.  My apologies for munging your name in the To: header.  I'm
having problems with my MUA.

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
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