I'm late to the thread, and as I read it I see everything I wanted to say was covered already :)
So just a few clarifications.

The stable ABI is not defined by PEP 384 or PEP 652 or by the header something is defined in, but by the docs:
- https://docs.python.org/dev/c-api/stable.html
and changes to it are covered in the devguide:
- https://devguide.python.org/c-api/

We have 3 API layers:

1. Internal API, guarded by Py_BUILD_CORE, can break *even in point releases*. (Py_BUILD_CORE means just that: things like `_PyCode_New` can only be used safely if you build/embed CPython yourself.) 2. Regular C-API, covered by PEP 387 (breaking changes need deprecation for 2 releases, or an exception from the SC); `PyCode_New*` is here now
2. Stable ABI, which is hard to change, and thankfully isn't involved here.

I can see that having `.replace()` equivalent in the C API would be "worth the effort of [its users having to] keeping up with CPython internal changes" (to quote Patrick). Looks like we could use something between layers 1 and 2 above for "high-maintenance" users (like Cython): API that will work for all of 3.11.x, but can freely break for 3.12. I don't think this needs an explicit API layer, though: just a note in the docs that a new `PyCode_NewWithAllTheWithBellsAndWhistles` is expected to change in point releases. But...

  [struct rather than N arguments] is the
  API style that _PyCode_New() uses (thanks to Eric who
  IIRC pushed for this and implemented it). You gave me an idea now:
  the C equivalent to .replace() could use the same input structure;
  one can leave fields NULL that should be copied from the original

From a usability point of view, that's a much better idea than a function that's expected to change. It would probably also be easier to implement than an entirely separate public API.

  P.S. Noting an idea that won't work, in case anyone else reading
  the thread was thinking the same thing: a "PyType_FromSpec"
  style API won't help here, as the issue is that the compiler is
  now doing more work up front and recording that extra info in
  the code object for the interpreter to use. There is no way to
  synthesise that info if it isn't passed to the constructor, as
  it isn't intrinsically recorded in the opcode sequence.

I guess it might be possible to add a flag that says a piece of bytecode object has exception handling and so it needs an exception table, and have the old API raise when the flag is on.
It's probably not worth the effort, though.
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