If the macro is deprecated, please provide an detailed explanation how
to port existing C code to the new C API, in What's New In Python 3.X
(version where the macro is deprecated, Python 3.11 if I understood

Also, is there a way to write a single code base working on Python
3.6-Python 3.11? It seems like mypy uses macros to support Python <
3.8 and Python >= 3.8:

#define CPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc)
#define CPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(op)

A search in PyPI top 1000 project gives me 8 projects (I was too lazy
to check the full top 5000). It would be great to help these projects
(propose pull requests) to migrate to the new C API.

(*) pyrsistent-0.18.0.tar.gz

> ./pvectorcmodule.c:  Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);
> ./pvectorcmodule.c:  Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);

(*) PyGObject-3.40.1.tar.gz

> ./gi/pygi-resulttuple.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN (self)

(*) pycurl-7.44.1.tar.gz

> ./src/easy.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);
> ./src/multi.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);
> ./src/share.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);

(*) mypy-0.910.tar.gz

> ./mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h:
#define CPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc)
#define CPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(op)

(*) pypi-top-1000_2021-08-17/multidict-5.1.0.tar.gz

> ./multidict/_multidict.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self);

(*) pypi-top-1000_2021-08-17/immutables-0.16.tar.gz

> ./immutables/_map.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self)
> ./immutables/_map.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self)
> ./immutables/_map.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(self)

(*) guppy3-3.1.1.tar.gz

> ./src/sets/nodeset.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(v)
> ./src/sets/immnodeset.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(it)
> ./src/sets/immnodeset.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(v)
> ./src/heapy/hv.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(v)
> ./src/heapy/classifier.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(op)
> ./src/heapy/nodegraph.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(v)
> ./src/heapy/hv_cli_rel.c:    Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(op)

(*) frozendict-2.0.6.tar.gz

> <many files using the macro>


On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 12:02 PM Łukasz Langa <luk...@langa.pl> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'd like to revive this thread as I feel like we have to do something here 
> but some consensus is needed first.
> To recap, the current state of things is as follows:
> - in March 2000 (d724b23420f) Christian Tismer contributed the "trashcan" 
> patch that added Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_END macros which 
> allow destroying nested objects non-recursively.
> - in May 2019 (GH-11841 of BPO-35983) Antoine Pitrou merged a change by 
> Jeroen Demeyer which made Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/END (unintentionally?) 
> backwards incompatible; this was released in Python 3.8.0.
> - by the way, GH-11841 introduced a new pair of macros (because they have 
> different signatures) called simply  Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_END.
> - by that time there was already a follow-up PR open (GH-12607) to improve 
> backwards compatibility of the macros, as well as introduce tests for them; 
> this was never merged.
> - in Feb 2020 (0fa4f43db08) Victor Stinner removed the trashcan mechanism 
> from the limited C API (note: not ABI, those are macros) since it accesses 
> fields of structs not exposed in the limited C API; this was released in 
> Python 3.9.0.
> - in May 2020 Irit noticed that the backwards incompatibility (BPO-40608) 
> causes segfaults for C API code that worked fine with Python 3.7. Using the 
> new macros requires code changes but doesn't crash.
> Now, there are a couple of things we can do here:
> Option 1: Finish GH-12607 to fix the old macros, keeping in mind this will 
> restore compatibility lost with Python 3.8 - 3.10 only for users of 3.11+
> Option 2: Review and merge GH-20104 that reverts the macro changes that make 
> old client code segfault -- unclear what else this needs and again, that 
> would only fix it for users of 3.11+
> Option 3: Abandon GH-12607 and GH-20104, instead declaring the old macros 
> deprecated for 3.11 and remove them in 3.13
> I personally agree with Irit, voting +1 for Option 3 since the old macros 
> were soft-deprecated already by introducing new macros in 3.8, and more 
> importantly made incompatible with pre-3.8 usage.
> Let's talk on how to proceed.
> - Ł
> On 26 Apr 2021, at 23:55, Irit Katriel via Python-Dev <python-dev@python.org> 
> wrote:
> Re https://bugs.python.org/issue40608.
> I think it will be an act of kindness to deprecate Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/END 
> in 3.10 and tell people to use Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN/END instead.
> TL;DR: There was a change in 3.8 that introduced the latter while leaving the 
> former for backwards compatibility, but also inadvertently breaking them. 
> This is not an easy bug to deal with in the wild, we found it because we have 
> a unit test in our codebase referencing https://bugs.python.org/issue16602.  
> A deprecation note pointing to the new macros would have made it easier.
> Is there any reason not to deprecate the old macros?
> Irit
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