On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 06:17:59PM +0200, Piotr Waszkiewicz wrote:

> Do you think about something along those lines?
> ```
> phone = book.publisher.owner.phone except AttributeError: None
> ```

This is not equivalent to PEP 505's None-aware operators. The semantics 
are very different, and it is much less safe.

If you misspell an attribute:

    book.publisher.onwer = Owner(...)

then the `except AttributeError` code will silently hide that error and 
return None. PEP 505 does not do that.

If you use the wrong type:

    book.publisher = "O'Reilly Books"

then the `except` version will silently hide the error and return None. 
PEP 505 does not.

Versions of this that rely on catching AttributeError are simply wrong 
and are an anti-pattern. They catch too much and silently turn 
errors into silent wrong behaviour.
PEP 505 does not fall into that trap.

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