On 07/12/2021 19.28, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I assume it would be insensitive to ask whether we could just get rid of the stable ABI altogether and focus on the limited API? Just tell everyone they have to rebuild binary wheels for every Python feature release. Presumably the deprecation of the stable ABI itself would require a two-release waiting period. But maybe it would be worth it, given how subtle it is to do the historical research about even a single function.

The stable ABI is useful for Python packages that ship binary wheels.

Take PyCA cryptography [1] as an example. Alex and Paul already build, upload, and ship 12 abi3 wheels for each release and combinations of CPU arch, platform, and libc ABI. Without a stable ABI they would have to create a total of 60 binary abi3 wheels for Python 3.6 to 3.10. The number will only increase over time. Python 3.6 is very common on LTS/Enterprise Linux distros.

If the current stable ABI makes performance improvements too complex then we should consider to define a new stable ABI with less symbols.


[1] https://pypi.org/project/cryptography/#files
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