I'll not get back to CPython until Tuesday, but I'll add a quick note
for now. It's a bit blunt for lack of time; please don't be offended.

If the code is the authoritative source of truth, we need a proper
parser to extract the information. But we can't really use an existing
parser (e.g. we need to navigate various #ifdef combinations), and
writing a correct (=tested) custom C parser is pretty expensive. C
declarations being "deterministically discoverable by tools" is a
I know you wrote a parser (kudos!), but unfortunately I don't trust it
enough to let it define the API. Bugs in the parser could result in
the API definition silently changing.

That's why the info is in a separate version-controlled file, which
must be explicitly modified. That file is the source of truth (or at
least intent).
There are also checks to ensure the code matches the manifest, so if
you break things the CI should let you know.
See the rationale in PEP 652:

As for the types you mentioned:
* PyAPI_ABI_INDIRECT, PyAPI_ABI_ONLY - these should get a comment. I
don't think adding machine-readable metadata (and tooling for it)
would be worth it, but I won't block it.
* PyAPI_ABI_ACCIDENTAL - could be deprecated in the Limited API, and
later removed from it, becoming "PyAPI_ABI_ONLY".

On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 6:41 PM Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (replying to 
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/OJ65FPCJ2NVUFNZDXVNK5DU3R3JGLL3J/)
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 10:06 AM Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What about the various symbols listed in Misc/stable_abi.txt that were
> > accidentally added to the limited API?  Can we move toward dropping
> > them from the stable ABI?
> tl;dr We should consider making classifications related to the stable
> ABI harder to miss.
> <context>
> Knowing what is in the limited API is fairly straightforward. [1]
> However, it's clear that identifying what is part of the stable ABI,
> and why, is not so easy.  Currently, we must rely on
> Misc/stable_abi.txt [2] (and the associated
> Tools/scripts/stable_abi.py).  Documentation (C-API docs, PEPs,
> devguide) help too.
> Yet, there's a concrete disconnect here: the header files are by
> definition the authoritative single-source-of-truth for the C-API and
> it's too easy to forget about supplemental info in another file or
> document.  This out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation is part of how we
> accidentally added things to the limited API for a while. [3]
> The stable ABI isn't the only area where we must identify different
> subsets of the C-API.  However, in those other cases we use different
> structural/naming conventions to explicitly group things.  Most
> importantly, each of those conventions makes the grouping unavoidable
> when reading the code. [4]  For example:
> * closely related declarations go in the same header file (and then
> also exposed via Include/Python.h)
> * prefixes (e.g. Py_, PyDict_) provides similar grouping
> * an additional underscore prefix identifies "private" C-API
> * symbols are explicitly identified as part of the C-API via macros
> * relatively recently, different directories correspond to different
> API layers (Include, Include/cpython, Include/internal) [3]
> </context>
> Could we take a similar explicit, coupled-to-the-code approach to
> identify when the different stable ABI situations apply?  Here's the
> specific approach I had in mind, with macros similar to PyAPI_FUNC:
> * PyAPI_ABI_FUNC - in stable ABI when it wouldn't be normally (e.g.
> underscore prefix, in Include/internal)
> * PyAPI_ABI_INDIRECT - exposed in stable ABI due to a macro
> * PyAPI_ABI_ONLY - it only exists for ABI compatibility and isn't
> actually used any more
> * PyAPI_ABI_ACCIDENTAL - unintentionally added to limited API,
> probably not used there
> (...or perhaps use a PyABI_ prefix, though that's a bit easy to miss
> when reading.)
> As a reader I would find markers like this helpful in recognizing
> those special situations, as well as the constraints those situations
> impose on modification.  At the least such macros would indicate
> something different is going on, and the macro name would be something
> I could look up if I needed more info.  I expect others reading the
> code would get comparable value.  I also expect tools like
> Tools/scripts/stable_abi.py would benefit.
> -eric
> [1] in Include/*.h and not #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API (sadly also making
> it easy to accidentally add things to the limited API, see [3])
> [2] Before that you had to  rely on comments or external documents or,
> in the worst case, work it out through careful study of the code,
> commit history, and mailing list archives.
> [3] The addition of Include/cpython and Include/internal helped us
> stop accidentally adding to the limited API.
> [4] It also makes the groupings deterministically discoverable by tools.
> [5] explicit use of "extern" indicates a different intent
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