On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 05:19:00PM +0100, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2015-October/141953.html 
> is an old thread about the difference between type(x)/Py_TYPE(x) and 
> x.__class__ that contains some insight about this.

Thanks for the link Ronald, I remember that thread. It didn't really 
clarify things to me at the time, and re-reading it, it still doesn't.

> Proxy types are one use case, although with some sharp edges.

I'm not looking for use cases. I'm looking for a better understanding of 
how type() and isinstance() (and presumably issubclass) work. The best I 
can see is that type() sometimes believes __class__ but not always, that 
you can sometimes change __class__ but not always, but the rules that 
control when and why (or why not) are not clear or documented, as far 
as I can see.

Is there a reference for how type(obj) and isinstance(obj, T) are 
intended to work, or is the implementation the only reference?

Thanks in advance,

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