On Sun, 6 Feb 2022 at 14:15, Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org> wrote:
> I propose to deprecate the urllib module in Python 3.11. It would emit
> a DeprecationWarning which warn users, so users should consider better
> alternatives like urllib3 or httpx: well known modules, better
> maintained, more secure, support HTTP/2 (httpx), etc.

Also, I'm -1 on deprecating as a way of saying we *might* remove the
module, but haven't decided yet. That isn't (IMO) what deprecation is
for, and it doesn't give users a clear message, as maybe they'll be
fine continuing to rely on urllib. The net result would likely to be
for people to simply become more inclined to ignore deprecation

Conversely, if the idea is to deprecate, and then in a couple of years
say "well, it's been deprecated for a while now, so let's remove it"
then that seems to me to be a rather cynical way of deflecting
arguments, as we can say now "well, it's only deprecation", in spite
of the fact that the real intention is to remove.

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