On 5/1/22 15:44, Paul Bryan wrote:
Can someone state what's currently unpalatable about 649? It seemed to address the forward-referencing issues, certainly all of the cases I was expecting to encounter.

Carl's talk was excellent here; it would be lovely if he would chime in and reply.  Here is my almost-certainly-faulty recollection of what he said.

 * PEP 649 doesn't work for code bases that deliberately using
   un-evaluatable expressions but still examine them at runtime. Some
   code bases would have a major circular import problem if they had to
   import every module they use in annotations.  By only importing
   those in "if TYPE_CHECKING" blocks, mypy (which inspects each module
   in isolation) can resolve the references, so it works fine at static
   analysis time.  Occasionally they /also/ need to examine the
   annotation at runtime, but this is only a rudimentary check, so a
   string works fine for them.  So 563 works, but 649 throws e.g. a
   NameError.  Carl proposes a mitigation strategy here: run the
   co_annotations code object with a special globals dict set that
   creates fake objects instead of failing on lookups.
 * PEP 649 is a pain point for libraries using annotations for
   documentation purposes.  The annotation as written may be very
   readable, but evaluating it may turn into a very complicated object,
   and the repr() or str() of that object may be a complicated and
   obscure the original intent.  Carl proposes using much the same
   strategy here; also it /might/ work to use ast.unparse to pull the
   original expression out of the source code, though this seems like
   it would be less reliable.

That's everything I remember... but I was operating on two hours' sleep that day.

You might also consult Brett's thread about finding edge cases in PEPs 484, 563, and 649:



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