Hi all,

for quite some time I've been working on a Python implementation of a protocol 
called NTS which requires access to an API in OpenSSL which is not provided by 
the Python ssl module.  I added a patch for that which unfortunately for me the 
maintainer did not want to accept.  Some comments were made of a possible 
future way to give more generic access to the openssl library via ctypes/cffi 
but I have been unable to find more information about that.  I was home sick 
last week and decided to take a shot at it and have built something that I feel 
is a bit ugly but does seem to work.  I'd like to some feedback on this 

My patches can be found on github, based on the Python 3.11 tag:


Here's a short description of each patch on this branch:

"bpo-37952: SSL: add support for export_keying_material" is my old patch which 
adds the method I need to the ssl library just for reference. 

The other commits add the necessary infrastructure with some example code.  
These commits are not ready for submission but hopefully they show what I have 
in mind.

"Add CRYPTO_DLL_PATH and SSL_DLL_PATH to the _ssl module. "

This commit adds two constants to the "_ssl" C module with the paths to 
libcrypto and libssl respectively.  On Linux dladdr and on Windows 
GetModuleHandle/GetModuleFilename are used on a symbol in each library to find 
the path to the corresponding DLL.  I've verified that this works Debian 
Bulleye and on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017.  I don't own a Mac so I 
haven't been able to test this on macOS, but I believe dladdr is available on 
modern macOS so it might work out of the box.  With the paths it's possible to 
use ctypes or cffi get a handle to these libraries.

"Add API to get the address of the SSL structure" then adds an API to an 
SSLSocket which returns the address of the corresponding "SSL" C structure.  
This address can be used by ctypes/cffi.  One would probably want to expose 
SSL_CTX, SSL_SESSION and BIO too but I started with just SSL since that's what 
my code needs right now.

"Add a small test program" is a small test program that uses the infrastructure 
from the two above commits to call C functions in libssl/libcrypto using both 
ctypes and cffi.  It's a bit ugly but hopefully it's not too hard to understand.

"Example of how to extend the ssl library using ctypes" is an example of how a 
Python module that extends the SSL library using ctypes could look.  First get 
a handle to libssl using ctypes, set up ctypes with the correct API for the 
export_keying_material function, wrap it in a more Pythonic function and then 
extend SSLSocket with the new function.  A simplified version looks like this:

    import ssl, ctypes
    ssl_lib = ctypes.CDLL(ssl._ssl.SSL_DLL_PATH)
    ssl_lib.SSL_export_keying_material.argtypes = (
        ctypes.c_void_p,                  # SSL pointer
        ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t, # out pointer, out length
        ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t, # label buffer, label length
        ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t, # context, context length
        ctypes.c_int)                     # use context flag
    ssl_lib.SSL_export_keying_material.restype = ctypes.c_int

    def SSL_export_keying_material(self, label, key_len, context = None):
        c_key = ctypes.create_string_buffer(key_len)
        c_label = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(label))
        c_context = ctypes.create_string_buffer(context, len(context))
        if ssl_lib.SSL_export_keying_material(
                c_key, key_len,
                c_label, len(label),
                c_context, len(context), 1);
            return bytes(c_key)

    ssl.SSLSocket.export_keying_material = SSL_export_keying_material

There's a final commit "Expose more OPENSSL_ variables" which add some more 
constants to the ssl module which expose the cflags and build information from 
OpenSSL.  This patch is not really necessary, but it might be a good idea to 
compare these constants with the corresponding constants retrieved using 
ctypes/cffi to make sure that exactly the same version of the openssl library 
is used.

Does this seem like a good idea?  As I said, I feel that it is a bit ugly, but 
it does mean that if someone wants to use some SSL_really_obscure_function in 
libcrypto or libssl they can do that without having to rebuild all of CPython 
themselves.  Or if they want to integrate with some other C library that wants 
a raw pointer to a SSL socket.  Hopefully this would reduce the burden on the 
ssl module maintainers a bit.

Anyway, if you think this is a good approach I could clean up my patches, add 
support for SSL_CTX/SSL_SESSION/BIO, document all of this and make it into a 
proper pull request.

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