On Thu, Feb 2, 2023 at 8:34 AM Stephen J. Turnbull <
stephenjturnb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> cd...@cam.ac.uk writes:
>  > I don't want to be forced to learn lots of weird little functions
>  > like `np.matmul(x1, x2)` when there's already one obvious syntax
>  > I'm very familiar with: `x1 * x2`.
> I don't recall ever writing matrix multiplication that way in
> mathematics though.  That's universally written as juxtaposition in my
> experience.  And the obvious way to write it in Python (and np) has
> been "x1 @ x2" for some years now.  In np, "*" means element-wise
> multiplication, I believe.

My 2 cents as a former mathematician:

Mathematicians have come up with hundreds of symbols to express the variety
of structures they are dealing with.

Just to list a few:


So +, *, -, /, @ and ** are a good start to express the most common
mathematical structures (groups, rings, vector spaces), and <, >, <=, >=,
==, != for ordered sets, but that's it.

It's great that Python supports overloading these operations. That's
something that drew me to Python when I was still working in computational
number theory, 25 years ago.

But that's probably not enough for some people. A way to add new symbols
(including non-ascii Unicode characters) and operations could have some
value, but also the drawback of tremendous additional complexity, specially
if done in the most generic way.

NB: on a very basic level, I remember trying, a few years ago, to use the
Unicode "empty set" symbol as a synonym for set(), and it didn't end well,
for several reasons, including the fact that Python didn't like it as a
variable name.


Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - http://twitter.com/sfermigier -
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