[Trent Mick]
> Yes I've noticed it too. I've had to kill python_d.exe a few times. I
> haven't yet had the chance to look into it. I am NOT getting this error
> on another Windows Python build slave that I am running in-house for
> play.

The last run on your Win2K slave that got beyond the compile step:


Looks like it was running test_bsddb at the time, and the test
framework gave up after waiting 20 minutes for more output.  I had one
of those "recently" that waited 20 minutes for output after starting
test_shelve, but it's scrolled off the page.  Berkeley DB is fishy. 
Looks like the buildbot doesn't know how to kill a process on Windows
either (SIGKILL sure ain't gonna do it ;-)).

The good news is that at least we're not seeing the random segfaults
plaguing the Mac slave :-)
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