On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 23:48 -0800, Neal Norwitz wrote:

> Just in case anybody here's been snoozing, 2.5 alpha 1 is coming up
> real quick, hopefully within a couple of weeks.  If you have any
> *major* features (particularly implemented in C) that you want to see
> in 2.5, bring it up now.  I want to strive for feature completeness by
> alpha 1.  I know we will have some .py modules that won't make it into
> alpha 1, but they really should make it in by alpha 2 or be deferred
> to 2.6.

I'd like to get some feedback on my PEP 352 comments, and if there's
general agreement on the hierarchy I proposed (so far so good :), then
I'd like to take a crack at implementing them.


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