Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>> That isn't actually worth that much: somebody would need to operate it,
>> too. Mere existence doesn't help.
> why do you keep repeating this when I've already posted a link to a
> company that does this for only a few bucks per month ?

Because they don't do that. They won't import the Python SF data on
their own: somebody has to tell them. Even then, they won't do that:
somebody has to provide them with the data (if for no other reason
that SF gives access only to project admins).

If you are (still) talking about where on their
website do they say that they will import SF data into trac when
asked to?

In short: somebody has to take charge, and make sure the thing is
available. Maybe it is as simple as filing a support request, but
somebody *still* has to do that (or else they won't guess that
something is broken).

I haven't heard anybody volunteering to do this specific job,
working with this specific company. I don't volunteer to do that
(I work with SF on issues with their tracker, but only because
nobody else does, and because I believe these things need to
be done).

My impression of of python-hosting is that they provide the
machine, and the initial setup. Then you are mostly on your

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