Brett Cannon wrote:

> > oh, I forgot that the Procrastination & Stop energy Foundation was involved
> > in this.

> Fredrik, if you would like to help move this all forward, great; I
> would appreciate the help.  You can write a page scraper to get the
> data out of SF if you don't believe SF will cooperate fast enough for
> your tastes or I am giving them too long to try to fix things on their
> end (I don't expect they will fix things fast enough either, but
> because of school ending soon I don't have time right now to start
> working on a scraper myself plus I am willing to give them a little
> time to try to fix the XML export so we can minimize headaches on our
> end).


> If you would rather contribute by collecting a list of possible
> trackers along with who will maintain it, then please do.  I am not
> going to dive into that quite yet, but if you want to parallelize the
> work needed then I would appreciate the help.  The tracker will need
> to be able to import the SF data somehow (probably will require a
> custom tool so the volunteers need to be aware of this), be able to
> export data (so we can back it up on a regular basis so we don't have
> to go through this again), and an email interface for at least
> replying to tracker items.  A community-wide announcement will
> probably be needed to get a good group of volunteers together for any
> one non-commercial tracker.
> But I am not procrastinating.  I don't think I have ever come off as a
> procrastinator on this list and I don't think I deserve the label.  I
> am not putting more time in now because I am near the end of term here
> at school and thus passing my courses takes precendent over a new bug
> tracker.  I ended up the chairman at the infrastructure committee
> during one of my busiest school terms I have ever had.  But I will see
> this through and it will be done in a timely manner.
> -Brett
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