On 4/27/06, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
> OTOH, the ETA for Vista is "just after" 2.5 release (end of 2006 for
> OEM:s, beginning of 2007 for customers), long before 2.6
> That said, I don't have any strong preferences either way. (..but I do
> have a x64 Vista machine running ATM)

Good to know, but unfortunately, not very helpful in the end: Even if
I wanted to include these icons, I still had no clue whatsoever on how
to do that. What files do I need to deploy into what locations for this
to "work", and how do I determine whether or not to use the "Vista
approach" (assuming it is different from the "pre-Vista approach")?

[Disclaimer: the following is what google told me]

it seems that the big icons 256x256 are in fact (or at least can be) PNG format within the .ico file.
However, the support for these kinds of icons seems to be somewhat lacking, in particular, the current(including VS2005) resource compilers barf when given such an icon.

Given that, it does not really seem feasible to include them..

Speaking of icons, do the bundled ico files have to be named py.ico and pyc.ico? (These names does not play along with tab-completion, making the user, me that is, tab twice "unnecessarily" to get to python.exe)


A little bit about me:
I've almost completed my Computer Engineering(Embedded systems) degree, just need to get my Master's written down. Professionally I've been developing with python for a few years, but currently I mostly work in C# land.. Lurking around on py-dev for a year or so..
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