Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Brett Cannon wrote:
>>I know AMK was experimenting with rest2web as a possible way to do the 
>>web site.  There has also been talk about trying out another system.  
>>But I also know some people would rather put the effort into improving 
> You forgot the ponies!
>>Once again, it's a matter of people putting the time in to make a switch 
>>happen to a system that the site maintainers would be happy with.
> The people behind the current system and process has invested way too 
> much energy and prestige in the current system to ever accept that the 
> result is pretty lousy as a site, and complete rubbish as technology. 
> It's about sunk costs, not cost- and time-effective solutions.
I don't believe that's true, but I'm certainly not the one with the most 
time invested in pyramid. Tim Parkin is on record as saying he'd be 
willing to help with a(nother) migration project. I think there's a 
general appreciation of pyramid's strangths *and* deficiencies.

> For reference, here's my release procedure:
> 1) upload the distribution files one by one, as soon as they're 
> available.  all links and stuff will appear automatically
> 2) update the associated description text through the web, when 
> necessary, as an HTML fragment.  click "save" to publish.
> 3) mail out an announcement when everything looks good.
> Maybe I should offer Anthony to do the releases via instead?
You can try. Or you can start to promote Django again ...

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
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