My statement wasn't clear enough.

Rendering occurs if the string being concatenated is already a concatenation object created by an earlier assignment.

In s = a + b + c + d + e + f , there would be rendering of the source string if it is already a concatenation.

Here is an example that would make it clear:
a = "Value a ="
a += "anything"  # creates a concatenation
c = a + b             #This would cause rendering of a and then c will become concatenation between a and b.
c += "Something"
# This will not append to the concatenation object, but cause rendering of c and then it will create a concatenation between c and "Something", which will be assigned to c.

Now if there are a series of assignments,
(1) s = c + "something" # causes rendering of c
(2) s += a   # causes rendering of s and creates a new concatenation
(3) s += b  # causes rendering of s and creates a new concatenation
(4) s += c  # causes rendering of s and creates a new concatenation
(5) print s   # causes rendering of s

If there is list of strings created and then they are concatenated with +=, I would expect it to be slower because of the additional allocations involved in rendering.


On 10/18/06, Kristján V. Jónsson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doesn't it end up in a call to PyString_Concat()?  That should return a PyStringConcatenationObject too, right?

Construct like s = a + b + c + d + e , where a, b etc. have been assigned string values earlier will not benefit from the patch.

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