On 3/7/07, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Collin Winter]
> >> I don't suppose you've changed your mind about removing operator.truth
> >> and operator.abs in the seven months since this discussion?
> [GvR]
> >No, though I think that operator.truth should be renamed to operator.bool.
> >
> >I like the idea that for each built-in op there's a callable in operator.
> It makes sense to me that built-in ops like + have a corresponding operator 
> function like operator.__add__(), but I don't follow how this logic applies 
> to abs() and bool().  ISTM, operator.bool and operator.abs would not add any 
> value beyond what is already provided by __builtin__.bool and __builtin__.abs.

FWIW, I've always thought of the operator module as a place to look
when I need to pass some bit of syntax (eg., attribute lookup, "in",
addition) to a higher-order function. bool() and abs() aren't syntax,
so I would never look in operator.

Collin Winter
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