Guido> According to the wiki history, BeOS was added to the wiki page by
    Guido> Skip.  See

    Guido> (rev 6)

I didn't make it up.  I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere in either the wiki,
the python-3000 mailing list or in the source code itself.  I'll dig around
some and figure out where I found it.  In the meantime, if someone else
stumbles upon the smoking gun let me know.

    >> >     Martin> Please also add code that makes the build break in a
    >> >     Martin> version where the code is still in place, so that users
    >> >     Martin> can know that support for their platform is to be
    >> >     Martin> removed (in 3.0, I presume).
    >> >
    >> > How do I do that?  Does that go in the Python 2.6 code?
    >> If you want to unsupport the system in 2.6, yes. You put something in
    >> which users can't fail to notice, e.g. a single-line
    >> abort that they need to uncomment before they can proceed. 

Thanks, I'll check out for that as well.

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