>     Michael> Actually, I usually get these strings from Windows UI
>     Michael> components. A file containing '\r\n' is read in with '\r\n'
>     Michael> being translated to '\n'. New user input is added containing
>     Michael> '\r\n' line endings. The file is written out and now contains a
>     Michael> mix of '\r\n' and '\r\r\n'.
> So you need a translation layer between the UI component and your code.
> Treat the component as a text file and perform the desired mapping.  Yes?

Actually the problem was reported by one of the IronPython developers on 
behalf of another user. We stick to using the .NET file I/O and so don't 
have a problem. The only time it is an issue for us is our tests, where 
we have string literals in our test code (where new lines are obviously 
'\n') and we do a manual 'replace'. Not very difficult.

It is just slightly ironic that the time Python 'gets it wrong' (for 
some value of wrong) is when you are using text mode for I/O :-)


> Skip

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