> Hi there,
> since ssl module is still in development I thought it would have been
> better asking such question here instead of on comp.lang.python.
> I'm interested in using the ssl module with asyncore but since there's
> no real documentation about it yet I've been not able to write
> something useful with it.

http://docs.python.org/dev/library/ssl.html -- it's not quite up-to-date,
but close.

> Currently I'm trying to add the SSL support to an asyncore-based FTP
> server I wrote.
> I tried to write some code by watching the ssl-related test-suite
> scripts with no luck since there are no available tests for asyncore
> available.

Take a look at the SSL 1.12 test suite -- there's an asyncore-based
server in there.

> I tried to play with the wrap_socket() function a little bit but
> different type of errors are raised every time.
> I'm sure this happens because I'm not doing things in the right way.
> Could someone please show me an example code about how the ssl module
> could be integrated with asyncore?

Hope that helps.

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