Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2008 9:26 AM, Andrea Griffini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anyway I want just to say that if "implicit" conversion from float
>> to integer goes away then what happens to formatting conversion ?
>> Removing that too IMO would break a lot of code and it's IMO very
>> difficult to help fixing that.
> The formatting code could assign specific meanings. I suspect though
> that it was never meant to be possible to use %d with a float -- it
> just is one of the artifacts of using implicit conversion, and one not
> well-thought through. Note:
>>>> "%.0f" % 3.9999999999
> '4'
>>>> "%d" % 3.9999999999
> '3'
> I think the latter is wrong and confusing.

format() has the same issue, for the same reason:

>>> format(3.9, 'f')
>>> format(3.9, 'd')

I never noticed this before, and it's a definite error.  PEP 3101 says 
the valid types for float are 'eEfFgGn%' and an empty string.  I'll 
remove the integer conversion in the float formatter.


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