On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Trent Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah test_tokenize is weird, I've been looking into it as well.  Here's a 
> sample failure from a Windows buildbot:
> [failure log snipped...]
>  On that first line, 'f' is lib/test/tokenize_tests.txt, so basically, it's 
> grabbing ten random test*.py files in lib/test and running 
> untokenize(generate_tokens(f.readline)) on each one.  In order to figure out 
> which file it's dying on, I added the following to test_tokenize.py:

Aha.  This is very helpful!  It explains the randomness of the
failures, at least.
So it's probably not a C-level data corruption bug after all.
test_shlex seems to be one of the problem files.  Investigations are continuing.

Trent, thanks for your help!  I'll take further discussions off line and spare
python-dev the gory details...

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