On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Following the discussion in the issue tracker is really hard (since
> most of the discussion apparently refers to earlier versions). I also
> don't see any doc changes.

I think there may also still be room for some additional discussion
on the output format;  while being eval-able is nice, one not-so-nice
aspect of the representation is that nearby floats can have
entirely distinct-looking representations;  as in, for example:

>>> hex(126.38)
'0x3f30a3d70a3d7 * 2.0 ** -43'
>>> hex(126.39)
'0x1f98f5c28f5c29 * 2.0 ** -46'

bin() suffers much less from this, but on balance I think I'd
still prefer to see a non eval-able output that's normalized with
respect to the most-significant bit instead of the least.

I realize that (a) this has little to do with implementation
details and use or not of __bin__, and (b) I should have
said this in the issue tracker a few days ago.

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