On 27 Set, 20:04, "Josiah Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Victor Stinner
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Second, I would like to help to fix all Python security issues. It looks 
> > like
> > Python community isn't very reactive (proactive?) about security. Eg. a DoS
> > was reported in smtpd server (integrated to Python)... 15 months ago. A 
> > patch
> > is available but it's not applied in Python trunk.
> The smtpd module is not meant to be used without modification.  It is
> the responsibility of the application writer to decide the limitations
> of the emails they want to allow sending, and subsequently handle the
> case where emails overrun that limit.  

The issue does not concern the emails but the buffer used internally
to store the received raw data sent by client.
The user who wants to fix the issue (#1745035) should override the
collect_incoming_data method which is usually not meant to be
Moreover, there are two RFCs which state that extremely long lines
must be truncated and an error reply must be returned.

--- Giampaolo
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