On 2008-10-24 09:53, J. Sievers wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [snip]
>> BTW: I hope you did not use pybench to get profiles of the opcodes.
>> That would most certainly result in good results for pybench, but
>> less good ones for general applications such as Django or Zope/Plone.
> Algorithm used for superinstruction selection:
> 1) idea: LOAD_CONST/LOAD_FAST + some suffix
> 2) potential suffixes:
>    $ grep '..*(..*--..*)$' ceval.vmg | grep 'a1 a2 --' > INSTRUCTIONS
> 3) delete any instruction that I felt wouldn't be particularly frequent
>    from INSTRUCTIONS (e.g. raise_varargs)
> 4) use awk to generate superinstruction definitions
> Not only is this relatively unbiased but also very low effort.

Well, the "I felt wouldn't be particularly frequent" part does sound
a bit biased, but you obviously made good choices ;-)

I thought you used the tracing functions that Vmgen provides for
determining which combinations occur more often. That's how I worked
back then - I instrumented the interpreter and then let it run for
a few days doing whatever I worked on or with at the time.

I then found that it makes sense to process LOAD_FAST completely
outside the switch statement and to move common opcodes such as
CALL_* to the switch with the most used opcodes. Inlining the code
for calling C functions/methods also made a difference, since most
calls in Python are to C functions/methods.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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