On 2008-12-08 21:45, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg <mal <at> egenix.com> writes:
>> Such application specific error handlers could then also apply
>> whatever fancy round-trip safe encoding of non-decodable bytes
>> to Unicode escapes, private code points, etc. as seen fit by the
>> application.
> I'd argue that such fancy round-trip safe error handler should be provided by
> Python. It's not reasonable to expect application coders to come up with their
> own codec variation based on subtle details of the unicode spec.

Fair enough. We could add some e.g.

 * a round-trip safe escape error handler that uses a Unicode private
   code point area which we officially reserve for the Python

 * a human readable escape error handler that encodes the problem
   bytes to say hex escapes, e.g. gives Andr\xe9 for a Latin-1
   encoded directory name instead of failing

 * a warning error handler that replaces the problem cases with
   a question mark and issues a warning through the warning

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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