On 27 Feb, 2009, at 1:57, Ned Deily wrote:

In article <rowen-8731e0.13531325022...@news.gmane.org>,
"Russell E. Owen" <ro...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
I want to follow up on this a bit. In the past if the Mac Python
installer was built on a machine that did NOT have a locally installed
Tcl/Tk then it would fail to work with a locally installed Tcl/Tk:
Python would segfault when trying to use Tkinter.

The solution was to build the Mac python installer on a machine with a locally installed Tcl/Tk. The resulting installer package would work on
all systems -- with or without locally installed Tcl/Tk.

So...has this problem been worked around, or is the Mac installer still
built on a machine that has a locally installed Tcl/Tk?

Ronald will have to answer that for sure since he built the installer
for 3.0.1.

However, it seems to be true that the most recent python.org OS X
installers will always favor a /System/Library/Frameworks/{Tcl/Tk}:

That's correct, I don't have a locally installed Tcl/Tk on my laptop at the moment and couldn't arrange for one in time for the 3.0.1 release.

BTW. The fact that this should result in crashes when a user does have a locally installed Tcl/Tk is new to me. The reason earlier builds of the OSX installer were build with a locally installed Tcl/Tk is that several Tkinter users indicated that the system version is significantly less useful than a local install.

Most people who makes serious use of Tkinter presumably have a locally installed Tcl/Tk because the version that Apple provides is ancient and
is missing many important bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Also, a somewhat related issue: Tcl/Tk 8.4 is no longer maintained. All
development work is going on in Tcl/Tk 8.5. Presumably Apple will
transition one of these days, and at that point we may need a separate
Mac Python installer for the older operating systems vs. the newer.

Yes, something will need to be done for that if Snow Leopard does have
newer versions.

Thanks for bringing this up!

Do Python 2.6 and 3.0 support building with Tcl/Tk 8.5? I vaguely recall messages about issues on python-dev but don't know if those issues were real and/or solved.


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