
> So, 3.1 is 30% faster in user CPU time, even though it probably has more
> tests (...)


I just downloaded Python 2.6.1, 3.0.1 and 3.1alpha1, compiled them on 32 and 
64 bits CPU, and ran pybench 2.1(*).

Summary (minimum total) on 32 bits CPU:
 * Python 2.6.1: 8762 ms
 * Python 3.0.1: 8977 ms
 * Python 3.1a1: 9228 ms (slower than 3.0)

Summary (minimum total) on 64 bits CPU:
 * Python 2.6.1: 4219 ms
 * Python 3.0.1: 4502 ms 
 * Python 3.1a1: 4442 ms (faster than 3.0)

I also ran pybench once, is it enough? See attached files for the details.

(*) I copied pybench 2.1 from Pthon 3.1alpha1 because 2.6.1 only 
    includes pybench 2.0

Victor Stinner aka haypo
 * Ubuntu 7.10
 * Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (32 bits)
 * 2 GB of RAM


* using CPython 3.0.1 (r301:69556, Mar 8 2009, 11:34:16) [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 
(prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 9.777 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 12.040 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 10.130 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 9.619 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 9.197 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 9.199 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 9.231 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 9.217 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 10.090 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 9.125 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:36:02

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.22-16-386-i686-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-3.0.1/python
       Version:        3.0.1
       Compiler:       GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
       Bits:           32bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:34:16 (#r301:69556)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:    149ms    154ms    0.30us    0.380ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:    140ms    143ms    0.14us    0.469ms
                 CompareFloats:    139ms    141ms    0.12us    0.538ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    269ms    274ms    0.30us    0.462ms
               CompareIntegers:    172ms    176ms    0.10us    0.823ms
        CompareInternedStrings:    138ms    139ms    0.09us    2.911ms
                  CompareLongs:     97ms     98ms    0.09us    0.623ms
                CompareStrings:    120ms    125ms    0.13us    1.865ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:    162ms    165ms    0.83us    0.902ms
                 ConcatStrings:    251ms    264ms    0.53us    0.788ms
               CreateInstances:    175ms    196ms    1.75us    0.626ms
            CreateNewInstances:    132ms    134ms    1.59us    0.504ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    194ms    203ms    0.20us    1.310ms
                  DictCreation:    121ms    142ms    0.36us    0.526ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:    222ms    224ms    0.25us    1.001ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:    119ms    122ms    0.10us    1.324ms
            DictWithStringKeys:    125ms    130ms    0.11us    1.347ms
                      ForLoops:    129ms    155ms    6.20us    0.072ms
                    IfThenElse:    138ms    150ms    0.11us    1.005ms
                   ListSlicing:    129ms    141ms   10.11us    0.095ms
                NestedForLoops:    142ms    160ms    0.11us    0.002ms
      NestedListComprehensions:    197ms    222ms   18.47us    0.151ms
          NormalClassAttribute:    229ms    279ms    0.23us    0.709ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:    166ms    179ms    0.15us    0.713ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:    162ms    173ms    0.52us    0.390ms
             PythonMethodCalls:    202ms    220ms    0.98us    0.244ms
                     Recursion:    274ms    399ms    7.98us    0.656ms
                  SecondImport:    158ms    173ms    1.73us    0.307ms
           SecondPackageImport:    164ms    179ms    1.79us    0.260ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:    216ms    233ms    2.33us    0.261ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:    135ms    163ms    0.19us    0.536ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    242ms    282ms    0.24us    0.663ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:    148ms    162ms    0.12us    0.807ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:    196ms    205ms    0.16us    0.796ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:    190ms    197ms    0.15us    0.798ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:    165ms    169ms   14.08us    0.157ms
        SimpleListManipulation:    128ms    132ms    0.11us    0.860ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:    132ms    162ms    0.25us    0.393ms
                    SmallLists:    170ms    175ms    0.26us    0.522ms
                   SmallTuples:    179ms    191ms    0.35us    0.571ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:    407ms    440ms    0.37us    0.827ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:    167ms    193ms    0.16us    0.822ms
                StringMappings:    363ms    370ms    1.47us    0.638ms
              StringPredicates:    175ms    179ms    0.26us    3.582ms
                 StringSlicing:    277ms    288ms    0.52us    1.133ms
                     TryExcept:     78ms     79ms    0.04us    1.199ms
                    TryFinally:    156ms    160ms    1.00us    0.554ms
                TryRaiseExcept:     62ms     63ms    0.99us    0.542ms
                  TupleSlicing:    186ms    190ms    0.72us    0.064ms
                   WithFinally:    202ms    275ms    1.72us    0.555ms
               WithRaiseExcept:    185ms    191ms    2.39us    0.674ms
Totals:                           8977ms   9763ms


* using CPython 3.1a1 (r31a1:70230, Mar 8 2009, 11:41:12) [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 
(prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 10.169 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 10.157 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 9.431 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 10.038 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 11.679 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 10.579 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 10.192 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 10.502 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 9.601 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 9.475 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:42:38

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.22-16-386-i686-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-3.1a1/python
       Version:        3.1.0
       Compiler:       GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
       Bits:           32bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:41:12 (#r31a1:70230)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:    165ms    173ms    0.34us    0.455ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:    145ms    152ms    0.14us    0.547ms
                 CompareFloats:    186ms    190ms    0.16us    0.609ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    296ms    320ms    0.36us    0.455ms
               CompareIntegers:    175ms    176ms    0.10us    0.933ms
        CompareInternedStrings:    150ms    157ms    0.10us    2.639ms
                  CompareLongs:    110ms    124ms    0.12us    0.610ms
                CompareStrings:    126ms    139ms    0.14us    1.817ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:    162ms    189ms    0.94us    0.886ms
                 ConcatStrings:    264ms    285ms    0.57us    1.016ms
               CreateInstances:    178ms    200ms    1.78us    0.801ms
            CreateNewInstances:    133ms    142ms    1.69us    0.619ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    202ms    206ms    0.21us    1.769ms
                  DictCreation:    122ms    129ms    0.32us    0.685ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:    211ms    216ms    0.24us    1.379ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:    119ms    122ms    0.10us    1.699ms
            DictWithStringKeys:    132ms    135ms    0.11us    1.775ms
                      ForLoops:    191ms    193ms    7.73us    0.081ms
                    IfThenElse:    132ms    135ms    0.10us    1.281ms
                   ListSlicing:    130ms    135ms    9.67us    0.123ms
                NestedForLoops:    182ms    203ms    0.14us    0.003ms
      NestedListComprehensions:    176ms    202ms   16.85us    0.178ms
          NormalClassAttribute:    243ms    272ms    0.23us    0.919ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:    163ms    186ms    0.16us    0.922ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:    168ms    175ms    0.53us    0.524ms
             PythonMethodCalls:    203ms    264ms    1.17us    0.306ms
                     Recursion:    261ms    265ms    5.30us    0.883ms
                  SecondImport:    162ms    184ms    1.84us    0.361ms
           SecondPackageImport:    166ms    230ms    2.30us    0.346ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:    215ms    252ms    2.52us    0.337ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:    139ms    162ms    0.18us    0.727ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    253ms    260ms    0.22us    0.905ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:    155ms    168ms    0.13us    1.056ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:    189ms    294ms    0.22us    1.094ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:    188ms    200ms    0.15us    1.055ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:    138ms    168ms   14.02us    0.174ms
        SimpleListManipulation:    134ms    146ms    0.12us    1.196ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:    126ms    193ms    0.29us    0.511ms
                    SmallLists:    176ms    182ms    0.27us    0.706ms
                   SmallTuples:    182ms    194ms    0.36us    0.804ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:    403ms    419ms    0.35us    0.930ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:    165ms    174ms    0.14us    0.923ms
                StringMappings:    362ms    409ms    1.62us    0.771ms
              StringPredicates:    176ms    187ms    0.27us    3.718ms
                 StringSlicing:    277ms    313ms    0.56us    1.568ms
                     TryExcept:     80ms     82ms    0.04us    1.311ms
                    TryFinally:    159ms    195ms    1.22us    0.668ms
                TryRaiseExcept:     62ms     65ms    1.01us    0.732ms
                  TupleSlicing:    191ms    195ms    0.74us    0.098ms
                   WithFinally:    212ms    217ms    1.35us    0.670ms
               WithRaiseExcept:    193ms    209ms    2.61us    0.918ms
Totals:                           9228ms  10182ms


* using CPython 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Mar 8 2009, 11:51:17) [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 
(prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 9.183 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 9.884 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 9.230 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 9.195 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 9.170 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 10.457 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 9.253 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 9.013 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 8.945 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 8.949 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:53:14

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.22-16-386-i686-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-2.6.1/python
       Version:        2.6.1
       Compiler:       GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
       Bits:           32bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:51:17 (#r261:67515)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:    153ms    159ms    0.31us    0.366ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:    153ms    158ms    0.15us    0.427ms
                 CompareFloats:    147ms    213ms    0.18us    0.488ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    144ms    157ms    0.17us    0.366ms
               CompareIntegers:    111ms    121ms    0.07us    0.732ms
        CompareInternedStrings:    132ms    135ms    0.09us    1.875ms
                  CompareLongs:    204ms    214ms    0.20us    0.516ms
                CompareStrings:    136ms    145ms    0.14us    1.249ms
                CompareUnicode:    115ms    125ms    0.17us    0.938ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:    159ms    168ms    0.84us    0.614ms
                 ConcatStrings:    229ms    250ms    0.50us    0.715ms
                 ConcatUnicode:    157ms    169ms    0.56us    0.505ms
               CreateInstances:    185ms    190ms    1.70us    0.497ms
            CreateNewInstances:    138ms    141ms    1.68us    0.455ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    164ms    173ms    0.17us    1.226ms
       CreateUnicodeWithConcat:    129ms    135ms    0.34us    0.490ms
                  DictCreation:    119ms    122ms    0.31us    0.491ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:    220ms    225ms    0.25us    1.096ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:    122ms    131ms    0.11us    1.229ms
            DictWithStringKeys:    123ms    128ms    0.11us    1.225ms
                      ForLoops:    128ms    134ms    5.38us    0.080ms
                    IfThenElse:    113ms    115ms    0.09us    0.920ms
                   ListSlicing:    126ms    129ms    9.19us    0.098ms
                NestedForLoops:    151ms    158ms    0.11us    0.026ms
      NestedListComprehensions:    176ms    180ms   14.97us    0.124ms
          NormalClassAttribute:    147ms    152ms    0.13us    0.741ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:    131ms    137ms    0.11us    0.617ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:    165ms    170ms    0.52us    0.367ms
             PythonMethodCalls:    198ms    200ms    0.89us    0.190ms
                     Recursion:    235ms    240ms    4.80us    0.612ms
                  SecondImport:    148ms    151ms    1.51us    0.243ms
           SecondPackageImport:    149ms    153ms    1.53us    0.244ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:    184ms    190ms    1.90us    0.243ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:    141ms    144ms    0.16us    0.488ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    245ms    254ms    0.21us    0.615ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:    153ms    163ms    0.12us    0.734ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:    115ms    117ms    0.09us    0.735ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:    112ms    115ms    0.09us    0.737ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:    148ms    154ms   12.85us    0.125ms
        SimpleListManipulation:    115ms    119ms    0.10us    0.797ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     88ms     93ms    0.14us    0.367ms
                    SmallLists:    164ms    215ms    0.32us    0.490ms
                   SmallTuples:    129ms    146ms    0.27us    0.552ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:    149ms    169ms    0.14us    0.617ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:    233ms    277ms    0.23us    0.618ms
                StringMappings:    138ms    156ms    0.62us    0.582ms
              StringPredicates:    157ms    180ms    0.26us    2.571ms
                 StringSlicing:     99ms    113ms    0.20us    1.033ms
                     TryExcept:     87ms     90ms    0.04us    0.923ms
                    TryFinally:    178ms    197ms    1.23us    0.492ms
                TryRaiseExcept:    123ms    126ms    1.97us    0.587ms
                  TupleSlicing:    143ms    146ms    0.56us    0.064ms
               UnicodeMappings:    147ms    151ms    4.21us    0.621ms
             UnicodePredicates:    142ms    146ms    0.27us    3.270ms
             UnicodeProperties:    137ms    142ms    0.35us    2.570ms
                UnicodeSlicing:    153ms    158ms    0.32us    0.932ms
                   WithFinally:    211ms    221ms    1.38us    0.493ms
               WithRaiseExcept:    165ms    171ms    2.13us    0.614ms
Totals:                           8762ms   9328ms

 * Ubuntu 8.10
 * Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  CPU   Q9300  @ 2.50GHz (64 bits)
 * 4 GB of RAM



$ ./python Tools/pybench/pybench.py
* using CPython 3.0.1 (r301:69556, Mar 8 2009, 11:32:47) [GCC 4.3.2]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 4.577 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 4.670 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 4.579 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 4.560 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 4.580 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 4.563 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 4.570 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 4.579 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 4.653 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 4.585 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:34:11

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.27-11-generic-x86_64-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-3.0.1/python
       Version:        3.0.1
       Compiler:       GCC 4.3.2
       Bits:           64bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:32:47 (#r301:69556)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:     72ms     73ms    0.14us    0.234ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:     52ms     53ms    0.05us    0.276ms
                 CompareFloats:     86ms     87ms    0.07us    0.312ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    110ms    112ms    0.12us    0.234ms
               CompareIntegers:    128ms    131ms    0.07us    0.471ms
        CompareInternedStrings:    106ms    108ms    0.07us    1.189ms
                  CompareLongs:     75ms     77ms    0.07us    0.273ms
                CompareStrings:     77ms     79ms    0.08us    0.795ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:     93ms    100ms    0.50us    0.404ms
                 ConcatStrings:     90ms     91ms    0.18us    0.470ms
               CreateInstances:     84ms     85ms    0.76us    0.372ms
            CreateNewInstances:     63ms     64ms    0.76us    0.301ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    112ms    112ms    0.11us    0.787ms
                  DictCreation:     59ms     60ms    0.15us    0.312ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:     70ms     71ms    0.08us    0.600ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:     69ms     69ms    0.06us    0.800ms
            DictWithStringKeys:     76ms     77ms    0.06us    0.795ms
                      ForLoops:     63ms     63ms    2.51us    0.036ms
                    IfThenElse:     81ms     81ms    0.06us    0.592ms
                   ListSlicing:     71ms     76ms    5.40us    0.054ms
                NestedForLoops:     83ms     83ms    0.06us    0.002ms
      NestedListComprehensions:    100ms    102ms    8.49us    0.078ms
          NormalClassAttribute:    145ms    147ms    0.12us    0.423ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:     79ms     80ms    0.07us    0.422ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:     78ms     79ms    0.24us    0.234ms
             PythonMethodCalls:     94ms     95ms    0.42us    0.145ms
                     Recursion:    119ms    120ms    2.40us    0.392ms
                  SecondImport:     74ms     75ms    0.75us    0.154ms
           SecondPackageImport:     79ms     80ms    0.80us    0.155ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:    108ms    112ms    1.12us    0.155ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:     59ms     61ms    0.07us    0.312ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    124ms    128ms    0.11us    0.392ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:     61ms     62ms    0.05us    0.470ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:     82ms     83ms    0.06us    0.478ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:     82ms     83ms    0.06us    0.477ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:     86ms     87ms    7.26us    0.078ms
        SimpleListManipulation:     66ms     68ms    0.06us    0.510ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     60ms     61ms    0.09us    0.238ms
                    SmallLists:     80ms     80ms    0.12us    0.313ms
                   SmallTuples:     91ms     93ms    0.17us    0.352ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:    229ms    235ms    0.20us    0.421ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:     79ms     80ms    0.07us    0.414ms
                StringMappings:    187ms    190ms    0.75us    0.350ms
              StringPredicates:     79ms     79ms    0.11us    1.718ms
                 StringSlicing:    122ms    127ms    0.23us    0.672ms
                     TryExcept:     61ms     61ms    0.03us    0.589ms
                    TryFinally:     60ms     62ms    0.39us    0.313ms
                TryRaiseExcept:     30ms     32ms    0.50us    0.318ms
                  TupleSlicing:     98ms    100ms    0.38us    0.039ms
                   WithFinally:     87ms     90ms    0.56us    0.313ms
               WithRaiseExcept:     86ms     88ms    1.11us    0.392ms
Totals:                           4502ms   4591ms


* using CPython 3.1a1 (r31a1:70230, Mar 8 2009, 11:36:46) [GCC 4.3.2]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 4.531 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 4.514 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 4.534 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 4.552 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 4.536 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 4.537 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 4.507 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 4.501 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 4.508 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 4.550 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:39:10

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.27-11-generic-x86_64-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-3.1a1/python
       Version:        3.1.0
       Compiler:       GCC 4.3.2
       Bits:           64bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:36:46 (#r31a1:70230)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:     76ms     79ms    0.16us    0.230ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:     49ms     50ms    0.05us    0.268ms
                 CompareFloats:     93ms     95ms    0.08us    0.307ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    117ms    119ms    0.13us    0.227ms
               CompareIntegers:    135ms    135ms    0.08us    0.463ms
        CompareInternedStrings:    105ms    105ms    0.07us    1.168ms
                  CompareLongs:     77ms     77ms    0.07us    0.273ms
                CompareStrings:     77ms     79ms    0.08us    0.796ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:     81ms     82ms    0.41us    0.386ms
                 ConcatStrings:     84ms     93ms    0.19us    0.456ms
               CreateInstances:     77ms     80ms    0.71us    0.372ms
            CreateNewInstances:     59ms     60ms    0.72us    0.299ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    101ms    103ms    0.10us    0.785ms
                  DictCreation:     62ms     63ms    0.16us    0.312ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:     73ms     74ms    0.08us    0.584ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:     72ms     73ms    0.06us    0.784ms
            DictWithStringKeys:     64ms     65ms    0.05us    0.787ms
                      ForLoops:     63ms     65ms    2.61us    0.036ms
                    IfThenElse:     85ms     86ms    0.06us    0.587ms
                   ListSlicing:     72ms     75ms    5.37us    0.053ms
                NestedForLoops:     81ms     82ms    0.05us    0.002ms
      NestedListComprehensions:     83ms     84ms    6.99us    0.077ms
          NormalClassAttribute:    137ms    138ms    0.11us    0.411ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:     83ms     84ms    0.07us    0.418ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:     81ms     82ms    0.25us    0.231ms
             PythonMethodCalls:     94ms     95ms    0.42us    0.148ms
                     Recursion:    115ms    115ms    2.30us    0.447ms
                  SecondImport:     68ms     69ms    0.69us    0.154ms
           SecondPackageImport:     74ms     74ms    0.74us    0.154ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:     99ms    103ms    1.03us    0.154ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:     63ms     64ms    0.07us    0.311ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    119ms    121ms    0.10us    0.393ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:     64ms     66ms    0.05us    0.468ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:     83ms     83ms    0.06us    0.463ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:     82ms     84ms    0.06us    0.514ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:     68ms     70ms    5.85us    0.077ms
        SimpleListManipulation:     67ms     67ms    0.06us    0.502ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     55ms     56ms    0.09us    0.230ms
                    SmallLists:     82ms     84ms    0.12us    0.308ms
                   SmallTuples:     95ms     99ms    0.18us    0.347ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:    228ms    230ms    0.19us    0.414ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:     81ms     84ms    0.07us    0.418ms
                StringMappings:    188ms    192ms    0.76us    0.344ms
              StringPredicates:     80ms     80ms    0.11us    1.697ms
                 StringSlicing:    132ms    137ms    0.24us    0.664ms
                     TryExcept:     63ms     63ms    0.03us    0.590ms
                    TryFinally:     58ms     59ms    0.37us    0.313ms
                TryRaiseExcept:     29ms     30ms    0.46us    0.314ms
                  TupleSlicing:    102ms    103ms    0.39us    0.040ms
                   WithFinally:     84ms     86ms    0.54us    0.315ms
               WithRaiseExcept:     82ms     83ms    1.04us    0.394ms
Totals:                           4442ms   4527ms


* using CPython 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Mar 8 2009, 11:43:11) [GCC 4.3.2]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 4.289 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 4.308 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 4.289 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 4.309 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 4.272 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 4.353 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 4.287 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 4.333 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 4.336 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 4.291 seconds.

Benchmark: 2009-03-08 11:48:24

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.27-11-generic-x86_64-with-debian-lenny-sid

       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/haypo/prog/Python-2.6.1/python
       Version:        2.6.1
       Compiler:       GCC 4.3.2
       Bits:           64bit
       Build:          Mar  8 2009 11:43:11 (#r261:67515)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:     84ms     86ms    0.17us    0.203ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:     51ms     52ms    0.05us    0.258ms
                 CompareFloats:     67ms     67ms    0.06us    0.271ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:     68ms     68ms    0.08us    0.204ms
               CompareIntegers:     78ms     82ms    0.05us    0.408ms
        CompareInternedStrings:     94ms     94ms    0.06us    1.297ms
                  CompareLongs:     46ms     46ms    0.04us    0.238ms
                CompareStrings:     86ms     87ms    0.09us    0.690ms
                CompareUnicode:     65ms     66ms    0.09us    0.520ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:     83ms     84ms    0.42us    0.341ms
                 ConcatStrings:     85ms     92ms    0.18us    0.390ms
                 ConcatUnicode:     49ms     54ms    0.18us    0.275ms
               CreateInstances:     80ms     81ms    0.72us    0.276ms
            CreateNewInstances:     62ms     63ms    0.75us    0.260ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:     79ms     80ms    0.08us    0.699ms
       CreateUnicodeWithConcat:     53ms     54ms    0.14us    0.274ms
                  DictCreation:     61ms     62ms    0.16us    0.273ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:     76ms     78ms    0.09us    0.510ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:     67ms     68ms    0.06us    0.680ms
            DictWithStringKeys:     61ms     63ms    0.05us    0.680ms
                      ForLoops:     55ms     58ms    2.30us    0.046ms
                    IfThenElse:     80ms     82ms    0.06us    0.513ms
                   ListSlicing:     67ms     69ms    4.90us    0.056ms
                NestedForLoops:     74ms     77ms    0.05us    0.012ms
      NestedListComprehensions:     95ms     97ms    8.11us    0.069ms
          NormalClassAttribute:     70ms     71ms    0.06us    0.344ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:     67ms     68ms    0.06us    0.342ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:     81ms     81ms    0.25us    0.205ms
             PythonMethodCalls:     92ms     94ms    0.42us    0.103ms
                     Recursion:    100ms    103ms    2.07us    0.342ms
                  SecondImport:     62ms     63ms    0.63us    0.135ms
           SecondPackageImport:     66ms     68ms    0.68us    0.134ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:     89ms     89ms    0.89us    0.135ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:     71ms     72ms    0.08us    0.272ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:    121ms    125ms    0.10us    0.341ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:     70ms     71ms    0.05us    0.408ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:     63ms     63ms    0.05us    0.408ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:     59ms     59ms    0.04us    0.408ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:     82ms     85ms    7.11us    0.070ms
        SimpleListManipulation:     61ms     62ms    0.05us    0.441ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     33ms     33ms    0.05us    0.202ms
                    SmallLists:     66ms     68ms    0.10us    0.271ms
                   SmallTuples:     75ms     76ms    0.14us    0.307ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:     69ms     70ms    0.06us    0.343ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:    134ms    135ms    0.11us    0.358ms
                StringMappings:     64ms     64ms    0.26us    0.306ms
              StringPredicates:     72ms     72ms    0.10us    1.412ms
                 StringSlicing:     49ms     51ms    0.09us    0.567ms
                     TryExcept:     62ms     64ms    0.03us    0.511ms
                    TryFinally:     66ms     67ms    0.42us    0.271ms
                TryRaiseExcept:     73ms     74ms    1.16us    0.272ms
                  TupleSlicing:     77ms     80ms    0.30us    0.036ms
               UnicodeMappings:     80ms     81ms    2.24us    0.304ms
             UnicodePredicates:     68ms     69ms    0.13us    1.684ms
             UnicodeProperties:     78ms     79ms    0.20us    1.400ms
                UnicodeSlicing:     66ms     71ms    0.14us    0.510ms
                   WithFinally:     88ms     90ms    0.56us    0.272ms
               WithRaiseExcept:     76ms     79ms    0.98us    0.347ms
Totals:                           4219ms   4307ms


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