P.J. Eby wrote:
> As someone else suggested, moving some of the functionality to PEP 302
> interfaces would also help.  Most of the code, though, deals with
> locating/inspecting installed distributions, resolving version
> requirements, and managing sys.path.  And most of the nastiest
> complexity comes from trying to support true filename access to
> resources -- if that were dropped from the stdlib, there'd be no need
> for egg caches and the like, along with all the complexity entailed.
> Application environments such as Chandler, Trac, Zope, etc. that want
> their plugins to live in .egg files wouldn't necessarily be able to use
> such an API, but the independent pkg_resources wouldn't be
> disappearing.  (Of course, they could also implement
> application-specific file extraction, if the stdlib API included the
> ability to inspect and open zipped resources.)

Could you comment on why they couldn't use such an API?

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