Daniel Diniz schrieb:
> anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> It is impossible to edit roundup keywords and this takes away the
>> flexibility in selecting bugs related to a module/function/test or
>> some other aspect of development. For example, I need to gather all
>> subprocess bugs in one query and things that won't be fixed in
>> deprecated os.popen() into another. In Trac I would use "subprocess"
>> and "os.popen" keywords. On ohloh I would add similar tags (if bugs
>> were software) without, but I can't do anything about Python roundup.
>> Is there any reason for such restriction?
> Well, keywords are used as a very restricted set of tags, so only
> users in the Developer group can create them. We've discussed free
> form issue tags that any user can create or edit in #python-dev and
> tracker-discuss[0]. I'm pretty sure they'd cover your use-case. I've
> submitted a patch to Rietveld[1], but it seems I never filled it in
> the meta-tracker, oopsie.
> If you (or anyone else) want to test-drive the tags feature, I can
> create an account in the experimental tracker[2] (which needs some
> attention anyway). I should be able to submit the patch to the
> meta-tracker during the weekend.

I'm not sure it will get well tested on the experimental tracker.  If it
basically works, and no one has any real objections, I'd just add it to
the live tracker and try out how and if it is used.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

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