On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 22:39:04 -0700, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> I don't think anyone on python-dev thought that it was exclusively
> idea or necessarily even mostly his. 

Actually, he originally argued against it, but that is irrelevant.

I'm happy that he's come around and embraced it. Perhaps a bit too
much could be my issue.

> If you want explicit credit, you can co-author a PEP or get thanked in
> a checkin as you mentioned. 

Good idea.

How can I get check-in privileges on distutils ? What is the process?

> But honestly, from my observations of open
> source, ideas are not what get you noticed, it's producing something
> tangible like code. 

Sure.. you're 100% right. So I need to be able to work on code and
be able to check it in. I would love that. How do I get that?

> Plus ideas and such pull from so many people on
> mailing lists you can claim you came up with the initial idea, but I
> am sure a ton of people provided feedback which makes ownership of any
> idea practically moot. 

Claiming ownership? No No. Lets not go there.

A worklist and checkin rights would completely suffice.


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