On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
> On Nov 12, 2009, at 8:06 AM, Jesse Noller wrote:
>> Frankly, I agree with him. As implemented, I *and others* think this
>> is broken. I've taken the stance of not publishing things to PyPi
>> until A> I find the time to contribute to make it better or B> It
>> changes.
> That's distressing.  For better or worse PyPI is the central repository of
> 3rd party packages.  It should be easy, desirable, fun and socially
> encouraged to get your packages there.
> I personally think a ratings system can be useful, but you should be able to
> opt-out of it if you want.  Or just write such awesome software that the
> bogus bad reviews will be buried by an avalanche of kudos.
> -Barry

I completely and totally agree with you. That's why it's a
self-imposed thing for me, I want to help, but don't have the time. In
the same breath, I don't want to support it as-is.

PyPI isn't a place to file bugs, complain something didn't work for
you if you didn't even have the common decency in some cases to email
them. Being unable, as an author, to remove, moderate, or even respond
to issues there bothers me quite a bit.

Heck, I would even be for requiring packages have a mailing list and /
or bug tracker to even upload, rather than comments. At least then the
authors or maintainers have a fighting chance.
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